The risk of developing health problems tends to increase with age. You may be more vulnerable to certain conditions and ailments as you get older, but there are ways to reduce risks and boost health. Here are some effective steps to help you stay fitter, stronger and healthier for longer.

[divider]Regular exercise[/divider]

Regular exercise is one of the most powerful remedies for better health and well-being. People who exercise frequently have a lower risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and some types of cancer. Being active can also lower the risk of depression, anxiety and insomnia. You might find that you are more restricted in terms of the activities you can do when you get older, but it’s usually possible to adapt exercises to cater to your needs. Look for clubs and teams that are designed for people your age or join beginner exercise classes. Simple things like going for a walk, a bike ride or a swim every day or a few times a week can be hugely beneficial.


[divider]Dealing with pain[/divider]

Many people find that they are more susceptible to aches and pains as they get older. If you experience chronic pain, it’s important to tackle the problem. Seek advice from your doctor and use self-help methods and therapies to reduce discomfort. If you have back pain, for example, sitting in a supportive chair, maintaining good posture and buying products like those available at CBDistillery can help to relieve pain. You may also find that going swimming or doing targeted stretches makes you feel more comfortable. Ice packs and heat pads can help to prevent swelling and ease pain.


[divider]Keeping up to date with checks and tests[/divider]

Keeping up to date with routine tests and checks is an easy way to lower risks and ensure that any warning signs are detected as early as possible. If you are eligible for screening, or you have been advised to attend an assessment, make sure you schedule an appointment. Check your vision and hearing regularly and seek advice if you notice any changes before your next scheduled visit. Try to visit the dentist every 6-12 months and check your blood pressure. There are often no obvious symptoms of high blood pressure so it’s important to attend regular tests. You should also be aware of your BMI (body mass index). If you know your height and weight, you can use an online calculator to get a result and see if you are in the healthy range.


[divider]Eating well[/divider]

Nutrition is important at every stage of life. Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, 50s or 80s, it’s crucial to nourish your body. Try to eat a wide range of fruit and vegetables and limit your intake of saturated fats, salt and sugar. Choose whole grain foods whenever possible and seek help from your doctor or a dietitian if you have underlying health issues, for example, a digestive disorder.

As we get older, we tend to become more susceptible to health issues and ailments. Taking good care of yourself now can help to lower risks in the future. Exercise regularly, manage pain, keep up to date with checks and tests and eat well. Seek professional help and advice if you notice new symptoms or you have symptoms that get worse.