In January Exclusive Books is celebrating Reading as a Superpower – books as a super-charged device to help you handle absolutely anything that lurches your way.

“In years gone by, we would begin the new year with a sparkle in our eyes and a certain gung-ho spring in the step. This year, 2023, marks a return to that, with a healthy dose of ‘cautious optimism’ – assessing and auditing what we have, galvanizing energies and building on strengths to make us strong and battle-ready for whatever comes our way, curved balls and all. Getting yourself “fit for purpose” – healthy, well-tuned, focused and motivated – has never been more important. The best and most assured investment remains the investment in yourself.” – Batya Bricker – Exclusive Books Marketing, Loyalty and Procurement – General Manager.

Exclusive Books consider books, stories and words some of the most empowering tools to hand.

Reading really can be a superpower – for kids and adults alike.

Pitching reading – particularly to younger readers – can sometimes feel overly worthy and old-fashioned. But if it’s a superpower, it has to be cool! And it’s a superpower accessible to all.

Traditionally Back to school or Back to your Desk fills some of us with dread. Exclusive Books have replaced that messaging with the superpower one, reframing reading as one of the brilliant, enabling approaches to 2023. To boost the campaign, Exclusive Books have launched a range of cool, limited-edition Reading is My Superpower school stationery, consisting of rulers, pencils and pencil bags.

In October 2022, the “talk” at the Frankfurt Book Fair marked a decided shift from “how can we find the next Rich Dad, Poor Dad or Alchemist?” to “how can we sell more of these must-haves to more people?” The thinking is that the appeal of these titles is so big and wide, we should use them to extend the reading audience, rather than trying to find new titles to sell to existing readers. For January, in support of the Reading is My Superpower campaign, Exclusive Books have highlighted a range of 8 inspirational, life changing books that continue to top their bestseller charts – and for good reason. These are the books absolutely everyone is talking about, but for this month at the best value-for-money prices. This makes it worth considering all 8 as part of all readers 2023 arsenal, or an opportunity to introduce someone new to any of these life-changing books.

If you are not yet waking at 5am to enjoy its supreme rewards, consider Robin Sharma’s 5 am Club. If money is on your mind, Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad is a must, with Morgan Housel’s The Psychology of Money riding a cult wave of interest and followers. For a change of perspective, there’s Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, Mark Manson’s Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck, The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life. And then, to make lasting change, make sure you have a copy on the shelf of James Clear’s Atomic Habits – Exclusive Books ultimate bestseller from before the pandemic and now beyond.

Exclusive Books Recommends January, EBR, features the usual mix of fiction, non fiction and children you have come to expect from this list. But this month, in support of the Reading is My Superpower campaign, included are a bumper selection of the newest perspective-altering books. Themes emerge of resilience and courage in Richard Sutton’s Thrive and Jenny Kutcher’s How are you, Really? and the great rewards of discipline and self-control in Ryan Holiday’s Discipline is Destiny and Christopher McGougall’s Born to Run 2 The Ultimate Training Guide. There is a time and place for giving up, unpacked in Annie Duke’s Quit, the Power of Knowing When to Walk Away, and grief and loss are gently explored in Bobby Palmer’s Isaac and the Egg.