This debut production from Mother City Theatre Productions, The Addams Family Musical, is an enchanting spectacle that is delighting audiences with its perfect...
Join us for a high-flying pantomime filled with magic, music and mayhem.
Joburg Theatre is thrilled to take audiences on a trip to Neverland with thi...
What could be better than spending your vacation sailing to exotic destinations with the best views, food and service? Mind-blowingly amazing entertainment. Tha...
Poet laureate and anti-apartheid struggle veteran Professor Mongane Wally Serote’s praise poem for the late struggle hero Oliver Reginald Tambo, Sikhahlel’u OR ...
The definition of the word escape is to take a break from reality and routine. This sentiment is the epitome of my journey to Italy, Greece and Croatia on the b...
For decades, Heineken® has dedicated itself to creating memorable experiences for its consumers and customers. As a proud sponsor of the likes of Formula 1, For...
A Celebration of Queer Strength and Resilience
The Johannesburg Queer Chorus (JQC) presents RISE! - a performance in celebration of queer strength an...