This debut production from Mother City Theatre Productions, The Addams Family Musical, is an enchanting spectacle that is delighting audiences with its perfect blend of gothic humour, macabre charm and heartfelt storytelling. Beneath its darkly comedic surface lies a tale that resonates with themes of love, acceptance and the complexities of family brought to life by a supremely talented South African cast.

The inspired direction of Garth Tavares ensures that while the audience laughs out loud at the Addamses ghoulish antics, they are also deeply moved by the universality of love in all its forms. As Tavares aptly puts it, “The cast has all been affected by this story of love in all forms – romantic, familial, and self-love. It’s incredibly relatable, given all the Addams Family eccentricities.”

The visually striking set, crafted by Marthinus Basson and Nicolaas de Jongh, transports the audience into a world that is both eerie and poignant. This along with the phantastic costumes create an immersive experience which expertly balances the whimsical and the profound. Perfectly complementing the Addams Family’s peculiar yet endearing aesthetic.

Nkosinathi Mazwai’s breathtaking choreography ensures that the cast moves with a spooky slickness and instils the ensemble with both haunting elegance and macabre playfulness.

The casting of this production is nothing short of a masterstroke. Samantha Peo embodies Morticia Addams with her signature sultry elegance and razor-sharp wit. Opposite her, Tiaan Rautenbach’s Gomez is a whirlwind of charm and hilarity which brings to life a character whose devotion to family and love knows no bounds.

Jordyn Schaefer’s portrayal of Wednesday captures the character’s transition from goth teen to a young woman grappling with love and independence. Her chemistry with Chad Baai’s Lucas Beineke provides a sweet counterpoint to all the eccentric antics. Meanwhile, Jessica De Bod’s Alice Beineke delivers a standout comedic turn as the buttoned-up suburban mom with a surprising penchant for chaos.

Brendan van Rhyn’s Lurch provides a steady stream of laughs with his measured movement and deadpan delivery, proving that even a monosyllabic character can steal the spotlight.

Special mention must go to Yahto Kraft’s remarkable performance as Uncle Fester. With his impeccable comedic timing and hilarious physicality, Kraft lights up the stage – sometimes quite literally. His endearing portrayal, complete with a surprising romantic subplot, is an absolute highlight.

With its sophisticated score, captivating performances and lush design, The Addams Family Musical is a theatrical event that shouldn’t be missed. Book your seat quick to revel in the quirky charm that will leave you reflecting on the beauty of love, acceptance and family connections – no matter how strange or spooky they may be.

Catch The Addams Family Musical at The Homecoming Centre (formerly The Fugard) until 2 February 2024. Tickets available from Webtickets.