This debut production from Mother City Theatre Productions, The Addams Family Musical, is an enchanting spectacle that is delighting audiences with its perfect...
Pure synchronicity and fortuitous friendships, as well as a deep and sincere love for wine, led to the birth of Black Elephant Vintners. Kevin, Raymond, and Jac...
Absolut, the iconic vodka brand known for its commitment to creativity, inclusivity, and the art of mixing, is thrilled to announce the launch of its "Born To M...
Weltevrede Wine Estate outside Bonnievale in the Robertson valley is known for specializing in Chardonnay and Cap Classique, offering world class underground to...
Chakalaka is Spice Route’s signature Rhône-style red blend, synonymous with the extraordinary success of this pioneering winery that initiated the renaissance o...
Big Concerts confirmed today that chart-topping and multiple award-winning George Ezra will be coming to South African shores in July 2023. The tour kicks off i...
Spectators attending the Cape Town E-Prix on 25 February 2023, the first ABB FIA Formula E World Championship race to be held in Sub-Saharan Africa, are in for ...
16 May, Grand Arena, GrandWest, Cape Town
19 May, SunBet Arena, Time Square, Pretoria
Big Concerts confirmed today that Backstreet Boys, one of the ...
The Mount Nelson, a Belmond Hotel, ushers in esteemed chef George Jardine as its new Executive Chef. A harbinger of heritage and contemporary cool in the heart ...